Burnout & amp; Organizational Climate 2 RESPONSE

1.  Burnout and compassion fatigue are common concerns in the helping professions that can be tied to several factors. Consider working in this field—including past or present experiences—and discuss the environmental issues that can cause burnout or compassion fatigue (i.e., managerial style, culture/climate, physical environment, client issues, colleagues, etc.). After explaining the challenges of 2-3 factors, suggest improving those factors in the organizational climate and ultimately reducing the likelihood of burnout or compassion fatigue.

One thing that can be discouraging is organization and communication in the business. 
Another thing that can be tough in a work environment is feeling disrespected, whether about work or just being treated poorly by coworkers. 
Another topic that can be difficult is the caseload and performing as expected. At the same time, there may be others that need to meet the expectations and needs of clients. Witnessing that can be exhausting because you know that more can be done.
Ways to improve these issues can be discussed in weekly meetings to discuss and communicate how the organization can be run better where the needs and concerns of everyone are taken into consideration, and everyone is meeting those work expectations. There are other ways that burnout can happen. However, if the organization’s flow runs smoothly and there is support, the chances are less likely because being understood makes a tremendous difference. When there is one factor rather than five, it makes the work more manageable, but when there are five factors, there is likely a high chance of fatigue and burnout.

2.  Many people who work in this field experience burnout and fatigue due to the fact that they work many hours and even sometimes have to work overtime because of the need. Depending on the area you live in will have an impact on the number of hours and time you have to put into your job because the amount of clients you have could be more or less depending on this. Here in El Paso, their are many immigrants and homeless. The need for nonprofit organizations are high so their for the amount of burnout and fatigue is high on these workers. The lack of people in these kinds of jobs make the work load overwhelming to the ones who are doing this job.  


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