BUS 204 discussion

Discussion: The Role of Human ResourcesManage Discussion

This is a graded discussion: 15 points possible

due Jun 4

Discussion: The Role of Human Resources

1212 unread replies.1212 replies.

You are being hired as an HR leader for a small IT communication business that doesn’t currently have an HR function. The business owner wants you to hire people and keep them government compliant, but you know you can do more. This IT communication business wants to bring their communication products to two new international markets this year, wants to come up with innovation around portable devices, and hopes to increase their staff by 50% to support all the new activity.

Discussion Prompt

The small business owner doesn’t understand everything you, as HR professional, can do for him. Put together a list of all the functions you can perform to make the organization more successful if staffed with an HR department and how they will benefit the business. Then, review the suggestions of two of your peers, and make comment on their suggestions.


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