Business Administration Major

PACE 111B 6388 Program and Career Exploration in Business (2235)

In choosing a major, ability counts as much as interest. In addition to considering what you enjoy, think about times and places when you excelled… Let your choice of a major reflect a discovery of your passions and potentials. 

List your core values, such as contributing to society, achieving financial security and professional recognition, enjoying good health, or making time for fun. 

—David Ellis, The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student 

In this assignment, you will become more familiar with your academic program, learning more about what courses are offered and looking at a snapshot of program highlights and coursework examples. 

As you conduct your program research, keep these questions in mind so that you can answer them in this unit’s assignment.  

  • Why did you select your current academic program? Consider both internal and external influences.
  • What industry certifications are related to your career field? Are there any which you are interested in pursuing?
  • What internships or apprenticeships are related to your major? Do any of them interest you? Consider the potential titles, companies, and things you might learn.
  • What kinds of career opportunities are there in your field? Consider the potential titles and companies for whom you may work. Which do you find most interesting?
  • What have you discovered about your academic program that you didn’t know before? 

Please follow these steps:

  • Review your Explore your Academic Program in the Unit 4 Learning Resources
  • Read about, and search for, a variety of industry certifications related to your field.
  • Contact a Success Coach (optional). Undergraduate success coaches are available and ready to assist you with questions about your academic program, course selection, academic policies, and degree completion. Success Coaches are available by phone and email at [email protected].  

Using the Unit 4 assignment template, please answer the five questions about what you found in the research about your program.  Upload your document into the Assignment folder by the end of Unit 4, Tuesday, at 11:59 ET to stay on track.  


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