Business & Finance 8-3 Microsoft Project Application: Gantt Chart Assignment


What to Submit:

As we noted, the actual form the WBS takes is not sacrosanct. Figure 6.6 shows a partial WBS for a college “Career Day,” which includes the activities, who is responsible, the time each task is expected to take, which tasks must precede each task, and any external resources needed for that task.

Review the Microsoft Project file “Partial WBS for College ‘Career Day'” from Module Three to create a Gantt chart:

  • Set the Project start date to January 2, 2013.
  • Enter the activity time estimates and predecessors from the attached Excel file.

Save the chart as a PDF and submit the Gantt chart and network diagram.

You will be evaluated on the following:

Computation: Almost all tasks are effectively represented in accurate timelines.

Application of Tools: Uses Microsoft Project or Other Gantt chart software to show mastery of the visual representation of the projects and assignments of this course.

Quantitative Literacy: Demonstrates relationships between tasks and time management to bring the final project to fruition. The display of interdependency between projects and assignments is obvious.


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