Business Finance – Accounting Module 6-2 Assignment HR Inbox


This is the final assignment in the HR Inbox series in this course. You will integrate what you have learned about HR communication from feedback received in the HR Inbox assignments in Modules Two and Four. This time you will explore the concept of total rewards and HR’s role in designing, implementing, and managing total rewards programs.

Imagine you are an HR professional at ABC company. One of your major duties is to monitor the HR instant messaging channel. The HR Inbox chat channel allows HR to communicate and support employees throughout their life cycle with the organization. While monitoring the HR channel, you receive the following chat messages from employees:

  1. What is the purpose of total rewards? Why is this important to me?
  2. What is the difference between total rewards and total compensation?
  3. What did HR consider when designing our total rewards package?


To complete this assignment, write a response to each of the three employee chat messages above as if you are the HR professional responding through instant messages. You must explain the purpose and importance of total rewards, how it is different from total compensation, and HR’s role in designing, implementing, and managing total rewards programs. Just as you did in the HR Inbox assignments in Modules Two and Four, your overall writing style must have a tone and format appropriate for instant message communication in a business environment.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Total Rewards: Explain the purpose of total rewards programs and why they are important to employees.
  2. Total Compensation: Differentiate between total rewards and total compensation.
  3. Program Design: Describe what HR considers when designing a total rewards package.

Additionally, be sure that overall your general writing style aligns with the following:

  1. Tone: Discuss total rewards using an engaging tone and encouraging questions.
  2. Format: Communicate in a clear and concise writing style, offering information in high-level, small pieces.

What to Submit

Your assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, three paragraphs in length (one paragraph per question), with 12-point type, Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.


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