Using intormation from the assigned reading and the instructions below, Write instructions tor a procedure related to a topic of interest. Remember to use correct grammar and spelling. You may use second person pOint-of-view (you) as necessary since this assignment requires giving directions to the user of the instructions. See the example instructions located here for models that demonstrate possible ways to format different types of instructions. See the Schedule of Organize the instructions as follows: ntrodiuction: Incude at least two to three sentences that include an overview of the procedure. See the “Writing Instructions” article in this module for additional information. Equipment ad Supplies: Include a list of items the user will need to complete the procedure described in your instructions. See the “Writing Instructions” article in this module for additional information. List Steps: Using any of the structure and format discussed in the “Writıng Instructions” article located in this module, list each step necessary to complete the procedure. Graphics/Visual Elements: If applicable to your chosen topic for this assignment, include graphics or other visual elements such as photographs that would be necessary or useful for completing the procedure you describe. Warnings or Nores: If applicable to your chosen topic for this assignment, include warnings or Supplementary notes.
Business Finance – Operations Management Procedure Instructions (Assignment # 3)
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