Case Brief

Read and brief PGA Tour, Inc. v. Casey Martin. Also, comment on the court’s decision. In your opinion do you agree or disagree with the outcome? Justify your answer.

Summarize another sports-related case dealing with the ADA in which the courts did not rule in favor of the individual.

use the example attachment for format:

Case briefs should be one page in length (single spaced), use 12-point Times New Roman font

Case Citation:
Plaintiff v. Defendant, Volume Source Page (Court Date)
(e.g., Allen v. Dover Co-Recreational Softball League, 148 N.H. 407 (2002))
Body (one paragraph for each element):
Facts: Outline the pertinent facts in the case, highlighting those with bearing on the court’s final decision.
Issues: Present the specific legal question(s) before the court. If the court raised/addressed multiple issues, address each separately.
Your issues should be concisely stated in question form and specific, not generalizations.
Holding (Decision): Outline the final decision of the court in this case. Answer the questions that you stated in the issues section.
Rationale: Your brief should conclude with a summary of the explanation by the court of its findings. Why did the court answer the
legal question in the manner that it did?
Additional Questions/Discussion: In some of the case briefs additional discussion questions have been provided for you to answer.
Provide a brief (no more than one page, single spaced) answer to these questions. You must justify and support your answers.


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