Marico, a company in need of strategic guidan,,ce, faces a central objective and challenge. To tackle this, several components must be taken, into account. Meanwhile, optimizing their warehouse operations demands a specific set of steps, considering the influential factors impacting warehousing and transportation. These factors should be mathematically represented to determine an optim,,al location for the warehouse. Arun, currently dealing with various issues, needs to identify and implement an effective approach to mitigate these problems. Identifying an initial pool of potential warehouse locations requires careful consideration. Selecting the idea,l warehouse location involves a systematic process and real-time calculations. Lastly, Arun’s conclusive recommendation must weigh in on relevant factors to ensure a well-informed decision. Now, it is your turn to address these questions and present your insights in the upcoming business report.
Prepare a one-pager with your answers. Submit your Excel spreadsheet, or code in Python if applicable, with your solution and calculations.