1.   Of the four pay model policies, internal alignment is the policy that identifies with the positions and the level of importance that each position plays within the organization. Per the textbook, in compensation, a job analysis has two critical uses: (1) identifying similarities/differences in work content per job and (2) establishing an internally fair and aligned job structure. Therefore, conducting a job analysis is an example of a best practice being applied in determining total compensation. So, what role do you see a job analysis playing in identifying with total compensation demands? Do you think issues can develop if a job analysis is not conducted? Please explain. 

2.  Organizational strategies influence the internal pay structure, which contributes to identifying and addressing motivation and performance within the work environment, as they relate to pay. According to the textbook, it has been argued that the bigger the prize for advancing, the greater the motivational impact of the structure. In addition, larger raises promote increased effort and reduced absenteeism. So, what are some other suggestions that will help engage/motivate employees to help achieve organizational objectives? How can you collect this information to contribute to future behaviors? 

3.  In your opinion, what should happen prior to researching, developing, and utilizing a job description? What is the importance of this process, and how can you use it in your current or future career? 

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