1. Read the chapter and take notes. Jot down concepts that are unclear and any questions that you have from the reading.
2. Watch the Accenture video on inclusion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDna1RV-tYo
Make a note of any particular element of the video that surprised you or resonated with you.
3. Visit the Harvard Project Implicit page here: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ You do NOT have to register to participate.
· Click on the top left link (Project Implicit Social Attitudes). Read through the disclaimer and click I wish to proceed at the bottom.
· A new page will open with all of their implicit bias tests. Explore the tests. You are not required to take one for this class (but it’s encouraged). I just want you to see all of the types of implicit biases they are researching.
4. Watch the HR Daily Advisor: 10 Sins of Employee Documentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs4d7Pa2vT8 Make a note of any elements that were surprising or confusing.
5. If you have forgotten what performance management entails, then this short video provides a good review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmpVaBA2m30.