chapter 11 discussion

Your response must be at least 6-8 sentences and include at least two citations from the text or other sources.  All sources used must be cited using APA format.

The following source may be used in this discussion:

Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015

Discussion Topic:

Ellen goes to the fine jewelry department at Macy’s and asks the clerk if she can see a Rolex watch, valued at ten thousand dollars. The clerk takes the watch out of the case and lays it on the counter. Ellen tells the clerk that her manager is signaling. When the clerk turns around, Ellen puts her hand over the watch and begins to slide it across the counter and into her open purse. Before the watch slides off the counter, the clerk turns back around and pins Ellen’s hand to the counter, shouting for a security guard. Has Ellen committed a crime in this scenario? If your answer is yes, which crime?


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