Classifications of Evidence Presentation

There are several types or classifications of evidence. How evidence is collected or packaged may vary from one classification to another. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review:

You may also want to review the recommended help guides for PowerPoint and Screencast-O-Matic. For more details, refer to the PowerPoint Presentation Best PracticesLinks to an external site. resource and the Screencast-O-Matic Quick-Start GuideLinks to an external site.. You are also strongly encouraged to review the other recommended resources, as they will help you explore different types of evidence, as well as packaging and processing.

You are an intern at a forensic Crime Scene Response Unit (CSRU) and as part of your duties, the unit manager has asked you to develop a presentation on evidence for a Citizens’ Academy class. Develop a short presentation about the classification of evidence assigned. For this discussion forum evidence has been categorized into six types, although the evidence in each of these six categories could be further separated. You will be assigned topics by last name to complete this presentation. Your presentation will comprise slides containing visuals and bullet points, as well as narrating content. You can use PowerPoint to create your presentation using this UAGC web page PresentationsLinks to an external site. or any other presentation software and record yourself narrating it with Screencast-O-Matic. You are not required to be on camera but may choose to do so if you please.

You are assigned the following topics based on the first letter of your last name:

D through E: Fingerprints

Your presentation must address the following elements:

  • description of the type(s) of evidence included in this category
  • an overview of how that type of evidence emerged
  • how it was first used and any historical significance
  • current uses
  • how it should be documented
  • packaging methods
  • explanation of why this methodology is used
  • potential admissibility issues in court

PowerPoint or any other presentation software may be used to visually present your research design. Write the speaker’s notes as a script at the bottom of each slide to enable smooth narration. Narration is required. To include narration, you will need to record your presentation using Screencast-O-Matic or similar software and link it to share with others. You will need either a laptop’s built-in microphone or an external microphone headset to record your voice.

The file for the presentation should be attached or embedded in your post for your peers to review, and be sure to add the link to your screencast recording. The following presentation resources are available in the Writing Center for you to use:

Your presentation should have a minimum of five content slides (excluding cover and reference slides) and be at least three minutes long. Support your presentation with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources and properly cite any references either in the text, on bullet points, or in the notes section.

You must use at least one scholarly or credible professional resource to support your presentation. The presentation must include a cover slide, and references slide for sources cited in the body of the presentation. In the notes section of the references slide, you must indicate how the group divided the work.


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