You are the owner of an athletic facility. This organization may be hypothetical.
please create a MS PowerPoint (PPT) presentation discussing three (3) ethical issues employees could encounter and explain how these issues should be handled (i.e., resolved).
Some possible issues are:
- Client flirting with an employee (do not use an employee flirting with a client).
- Employee helping client obtain performance enhancing drugs (PEDs).
Athletic administrators (e.g., facility owners) must consider their ethical practices (i.e., fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect) when making decisions for resolving these issues.
Your PPT should be composed/designed in a way to serve as a training tool to educate newly hired employees working for your athletic facility.
Your PPT should include:
I. Title
II. Table of Contents
III. Introduction. Be sure to identify your athletic facility, and include some history, affiliation, location, etc.
IV. Athletic Facility’s Code of Ethics. Code of ethics for their organization (i.e., athletic facility) as a whole. Present one (1) slide identifying at least three (3) code of ethics (i.e., rules and policies that govern) for your athletic facility.
V. Identify three (3) ethical issues employees could encounter and explain how these issues should be handled (i.e., resolved). As the athletic facility’s owner, consider one’s ethical practices (i.e., fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect) when explaining how each issue will be resolved. Present at least one (1) separate slide of text (i.e., bullet-points) for each ethical issue discussed within PPT.
VI. Concluding Summary. Reiterate main points discussed within PPT.
VII. References. Include a minimum of three (3) references supporting information presented within PPT.
The information on the slides should be in bulleted format (i.e., bullet-points) with no smaller than 24-point type (i.e., font size). Visually appealing layouts and graphics need to be included.
The script for the presentation should be presented in the NOTES section of the PPT; NOT included on the actual slides. The script should be written such that someone could read it and make the presentation for you. Welcome the audience, introduce yourself, and speak directly to the audience (i.e., newly hired employees) throughout presentation. Do not write statements like, for this slide I would say, or this slide shows that . . . You need to write as you would present the information to the audience. Notes should be presented in text (i.e., words) and complete sentences. Vocal Notes (i.e., audio recordings) will not be accepted (i.e., reviewed).
Notes are placed on the same slide (i.e., beneath) information being presented pertaining to a specific area of the PPT. See “Click to add notes” at bottom of slide – Notes will be placed in this area. Suggestion – use MS PowerPoint “help” to review instructions for inserting “Notes” using your specific version of MS PowerPoint.
Here is an example.
If Notes are not included within the same slide throughout presentation, a ten (10)-point deduction will be assessed prior to reviewing a student’s submission.
A minimum of three (3) references should be listed on the References slide(s). Feel free to use additional slides at the end of presentation to display References. In addition, each reference’s in-text citation should be presented on the slide (or in Notes) where each literary source is mentioned (i.e., cited) within PPT. References and in-text citations should be displayed in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Information regarding American Psychological Association (APA) format is presented here. Also, a suggestion – visit the APUS Online Library to review Writing@APUS.