computer architecture research methdology writing

 I need to develop a novel approach based on several metrics to measure learnability and then draw learning curve

The goal of my research paper is coming up with equations to draw the curve

The curve should reflects the learnability of mobile applications

My supervisor need from me to come up with novel derivatives

You see ANOVA analysis, is there something similar to it? To analyze the result ?

The research I am still writing

I hope I use new metrics and come up with new method

I will show you what i have done but it is very similar to the paper and it is not acceptable

If we can edit to come up with new metrics and methods, that is fine.  Otherwise change whole

I share with you methodology because other part just definitions and related work

The scenario is not good enough also

sharing my  introduction and LR

Maybe you will find many mistake

But please it is my work not done yet and i hope to be secured

No data collected yet but we will say (several applications)

In phase1 in methodology

So my supervisor need professional work from me and i work hard but this is what i could do

The most important thing is the methodology
Then the whole file as logic and context and grammar and spelling

Also please if you add any part or even sentence please tell me

I use a study that talks about sigmoid curve  to represent novice and expert behavior, could we use the metrics to derive the sigmoid curve rather than learning curve?

I will attach the paper. It talks about it just use find tool to find(sigmoid)


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