Computer Science 510-8-1 Final Project Milestone Four: System Design Assignment

Submit your system design. The system design is to be submitted as a Word document that is a combination of sections: an introductory summary, a specification, a data design, a user interface design, a system architecture, and a feasibility analysis. Copy the image of your diagram for the specification, data design and user interface sections into your Word document and include text to ensure that the diagram has proper context within the overall system design document. Your audience is IT management and the IT project team.

Note that the course project intent is to introduce students to an entire systems analyst process. Each milestone is fairly significant in size if performing an actual project. For the intended learning and exposure to the course project topics, please know that assumptions will have to be made and that any such assumptions should be documented


You will submit your system design via a Word document. The system design will include visual presentations of each of the following: modeling for specifications, data design, and user interface design. Each of the diagrams will visually represent your design. The system design additionally will include each explanation and supporting detail of the system design execution, in a complete and comprehensive write up. These are sections systems architecture and feasibility analysis. Your audience is IT management and the IT project team.

References for Review
Review your textbook, Systems Analysis and Design, Chapter 2.

  • Step 6: Present results and recommendations to management. Next, review Toolkit Part A: Communication Tools. You may also research on the internet for a systems analysis template for a reference.
  • You can use an example template to assist in developing your deliverable. Ensure you cover the specifics outlined in the Final Project Document.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Systems Design: Propose a solution that addresses the identified problem in your case. Be sure to include screenshots of all relevant diagrams, charts, and tables.
    1. Specifications: Provide a physical design that will meet the specifications outlined in the systems requirement document.
    2. Data Design: Create entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) that accurately describe the proposed solution, including 3NF table designs.
    3. User Interface Design: Illustrate the user interface design. Specifically, be sure to address your proposed human computer interactions (HCIs) and graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Your proposals should follow user-centered design principles and address all design requirements.
    4. System Architecture: Describe the system architecture. Specifically, be sure to address the corporate organization and culture, enterprise resource planning, total cost of ownership, scalability, integration and interface requirements, and security.
    5. Feasibility Analysis: Provide supporting details that justify why your proposed solution is appropriate for solving the problem. In your defense, be sure to address operational, technical, economic, and scheduling feasibility. Be sure that you frame your response for communicating effectively to your target audiences.

What to Submit

Milestone Four should follow these formatting guidelines: 4–6 pages, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA.


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