Computer Science IT 505 assignment 8

QUESTION 1: Present the location of the new data center on the given Intranet Diagram. Update the diagram and show how and where you place the new data center in the network diagram. Provide the new (updated) network diagram with the new data center on it. Meet Patel name must be on the diagram.

QUESTION 2:  Police department managers are worrying about

  1. a) Exposure of data in the data center to entities not authorized access to the information
  2. b) Unauthorized Modification of data in the data center
  3. c) Complete Destruction of the data kept in the databases

List the primary goals in providing security for all sections of the given Police IT system.

QUESTION 3: List the IT Assets of all Police departments. You should consider the INTRANET of the police IT system

QUESTION 4: Prepare the Control Spreadsheet (Table), which covers

Enter the IT assets in the intranet (that you prepared in question 3)

Cover Disruption, destruction, and disaster cases

Cover possible Intrusion (both external and inertial)

Use the given List of control measures to protect the IT system

Complete Control Spreadsheet

You should be using the following control measures while answering question 4

  1. The disaster recovery plan and education/training
  2. Halon-type fire system & sprinklers
  3. Not on or below ground level
  4. UPS (uninterruptible power source)
  5. Virus-checking software present and updated
  6. Strong password policy
  7. Extensive user training about cybersecurity policy and practices

Firewalls for data

Develop a  control table in an MS Word document. 

Meet patel name must be on the table.


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