Computer Science IT505 week 1 Assignment

Week 1


While preparing your MS Word document, you should follow the posted Assignment Policy guidelines. Make sure your MS Word document has all the required sections based on the WUST Writing Standards Guide.


• You should be following IGU/WUST Writing Standards Guide

• Must have title/cover page. [ 5 points] 

o Assignment title

o Your name

o Course title and number

o Your professor’s name,

o The date of submission

• Name the document should be: LastNameWeek#.doc [ 5 points]

• Your solution should have included: The references section [ 5 points]



• The text in my written paper is double-spaced

• My font size is 11 or 12

• My font style is professional; for example, Arial or Times Roman

• The first sentences of all my paragraphs are indented

• My page count is within the Assignment limit (Do not count the Cover or Reference



• All contractions have been replaced with the full item (e.g., replace Don’t … with Do

not …)

• All names of books and titles of articles in the body of my paper are italicized

• I have used MS Word’s Spelling and Grammar tool to check my paper for errors

• I have checked my paper with the online Grammarly tool

• I have read my paper through out loud to catch minor stylistic mistakes

Citations and References

• Citations with an author’s name in the sentence use just the source number: e.g., (1)

• Citations without an author’s name use the name and number: e.g., (Welch, 1)

• I included just a few direct quotations, and each one is no longer than 1-2 sentences

• Mostly, when using other writers’ ideas, I paraphrased them (i.e., explained in my own


• I used an in-text citation every time I referred to another writer’s idea

• I used (1) for the first source to appear in my paper, (2) for the next source, and so on

• My in-text citations match the number of the source on my References or Sources


• I listed all my References (or Sources) on a final, separate page

Important Note:

In keeping with IGlobal University’s mission of

Assignment 1

Business Case:   

Red&Blue Travel is a multinational traveling agency. 

Red&Blue Travel provides custom-tailored trips, personalized recommendations, detailed knowledge of destinations, exclusive deals, and amenities as well. The company is growing rapidly. There is an increasing business emphasis on Web service, remote access, online transactions, and social networking. And, there is a demand for services to support high-resolution camera phones, video streams, and high-end audio.

The CEO would like to combine traditionally distinct voice, video, and data communications networks into a common infrastructure. And, he focuses on the integration of real-time communication services as well.  Consider the case where three separate communication mediums are existing, one for voice, one for video, and one for the data communications network.

The Parameters of Red&Blue Travel: 

150 Employees in three different cities (London, New York, and Dubai). There is a need for real-time collaboration among all team members. And, there will be direct communication with the suppliers (Business to Business Communication) as well.

Question 1- Explain the Business Benefits of IP Network Convergence for Red&Blue Travel. Why they should consider IP Network Convergence?

Question  2- The possible management Issues you would anticipate when the new IT system is implemented.

Question  3 – What Type of Network you would recommend connecting all employees?


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