Country Research Pt. 2 – Health/Healthcare


Discuss the Health/healthcare of your chosen country:

  • Is it national, private, etc.? If a country has both or additional types of healthcare, discuss all forms. 
  • How much is spent on healthcare per capita and compare that to the U.S.
  • Indicate doctors per capita.
  • Are dietitians used in the healthcare system? If so, indicate number per capita.
  • Is their healthcare system considered good, bad, or acceptable?
  • How much is a typical doctors visit? Based on the economics above, does the average person have enough money to see a doctor?

Discuss each of the indicators of health below:

  • What are the top three causes of mortality?
  • What are the top communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases?
  • Rates of infant mortality
  • Rates of maternal mortality
  • Life expectancy
  • Overweight/obesity rate
  • Diabetes rate
  • Food insecurity rate
  • Rates of malnutrition
  • What do the above values tell you about the health of the county’s citizens?
  • What is the double burden of malnutrition?  

Discuss key nutrition-related issues including:

  • Macronutrient/micronutrient deficiencies
  • Breastfeeding:
    1. Indicate WHO breastfeeding recommendations?
    2. Give breastfeeding statistics for your country. For example, how long to women typically breastfeed? What percentage of women breastfeed? Include any pertinent information on this topic.   
    3. Are there typical micronutrient or macronutrient deficiencies that would cause problems for the mother or child with respect to breastfeeding? If so, discuss the issues.      
  • Can the top three causes of morbidity (discussed above) be reduced from improved nutrition? If so, indicate how.



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