Country Selection and Draft outline

Submit a Word document with the name of the country that you’ve chosen, and a content outline indicating how you plan to address key elements of the project.   The outline will be in Bullet Form showing the areas that will be expanded upon in the Final Paper.  The purpose of the Outline is to provide a basis for which research and writing can take place. 

How to Create Your Outline

You want to have formalized your topics and organized them with main points of interest.

Title Page Introduction Body of Paper Topic Heading Subtopic 1 Content 1 Content 2 Content 3 Topic Heading Subtopic 2 Content 1 Content 2 Content 3 . . . and so on Conclusion Bibliography: References

Review the Files Section of this course for a sample Outline.  It is only a guide; you do not have to write your paper verbatim from the outline in the guide. Reviewing it will help you formulate your own Course Project paper outline and guide you in your research. An outline is very important because it helps you to organize research topics and write your paper. It also helps the flow of your paper (i.e., transitions from one subtitle topic to the next).


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