Criminal Justice

 Construct an Argumentative Thesis. Post and discuss two to three current issues and trends in Criminal Justice 

 Use this template for the thesis paper. 

  • Title page
  • Abstract (150 words) this is a short and specific summary of the paper
  • Introduction –this section introduces the topic to the reader from historical, academic, and previous research perspective
  • Thesis Statement
  • Research Question– this section develops a research question from the thesis statement.
  • Problem Statement –this section states why there is a problem which needs new research/thesis
  • Purpose Statement- this section states the purpose of the research which needs new research/thesis
  • Hypothesis- this section formulates a hypothesis based upon the thesis , problem, and purpose statements.
  • Definitions –this section provides specific definitions for terms in the paper not recognized by the reader.
  • Academic Discussion

  • Conclusion
  • References

This is the template for the thesis paper. The Bold Titles are the headings for the paper. Use direct research in all sections of the paper except for the title page and abstract.


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