Criminology/Criminal Justice

Module 3 Assignment

Assignment Documents

Books, scholarly articles, websites, and other reputable sources should be used to complete this assignment.


An annotated bibliography is an organizing tool that is helpful when working on a research project.  An effective annotated bibliography is used to compile research sources in one location and provide the researcher with quick access to the information contained in each source. 

To prepare for the final paper assignment, you will need to do some research. One of the more useful tools in conducting research is the annotated bibliography.  An annotated bibliography combines the citations found in the References list at the end of documents in APA format with annotations about each of the sources.  For this assignment, you will construct an annotated bibliography based upon the serial killer that you selected in module 2.

Instructions for this Assignment

Using Microsoft Word, construct an annotated bibliography with a minimum of three sources. You are encouraged to have more than three sources.

Your annotated bibliography will consist of the sources that you have deemed relevant to your topic and/or question(s) of inquiry.  While you may encounter sources that are not relevant or do not fit the scope of your project while researching, for the purposes of this assignment, you will only include the ones that you find useful and relevant. 

Cite the source in proper APA format.  The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author just as in an APA References page. 
Follow with a brief annotation that summarizes the source – be descriptive and specific (100-200 words). You may not quote from the source, and do not copy and paste the abstract. Ideally, all of the annotation should be in your own words. As you write your annotated paragraph include both a summary of the source AND an evaluation of the validity of the source and its usefulness. 
Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the source
Describe the usefulness of the source

Submission Format

Your paper should be double-spaced and include a centered title. Any sources used should be properly cited in APA format.

Use the following format when naming your file: your First Initial and Last Name with the Assignment Name.

Example:  JDoeModule1Assignment.docx

File Submissions: Please submit your files as a DOCX. or PDF file


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