Current challenges of criminal justice administrators.



Please read the information in the Research Project Information tab that can be found in the Content Items of D2L. This provides you with very valuable directions on this assignment and a rubric that will show you exactly how this paper will be scored. If you experience issues with the research assignment, please consider using the Tutoring Resources that eMajor offers, or ask me questions.

As we began this class on criminal justice administration, you were asked to choose a research topic relating to criminal justice administration. This topic must receive the professor’s approval before proceeding. Then you should begin your thorough research of the approved topic. The objective of the paper is to demonstrate that you understand the related class materials, have thoroughly researched your topic, and have developed an informed opinion about the topic. 

Please review the Research Project Information thoroughly before submitting questions. I trust that the research paper will prove to be a significant learning experience for you!

Submission Format

Your final paper should be no less than 7-8 pages in length (double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font), and include an APA Title Page (first page), an APA Abstract (second page), a reference (bibliography) page(s) (last page). The paper should be submitted as a Word Document. The title page, abstract, and references page(s) should NOT be included in the 7-8 page requirement. You must have at least 7-8 pages of text. Please refer to the Purdue OWL site for information regarding how to properly format an APA style research paper, including the cover page with running head, citations, and the references page. *If you include images/long text excerpts in your paper, do not count these as part of the page requirement.

Use the following format when naming your file: your First Initial and Last Name with the Assignment Name.

Example:  JDoeModule1Assignment.docx

File Submissions: 

Please submit your files as a DOCX. or PDF file

Grading Criteria

This assignment is worth 100 points. Please refer to the grading rubric and the Research Project Information page.

Due Date

Your submission is due by midnight on 11/26. This is a strict deadline. 


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