Data decisions


Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your problem-solving skill by answering questions about statistical concepts and the benefits and uses of data-driven decision-making.

Steps to Complete:

Step 1:

  1. You would like to determine whether eating before bed influences sleep patterns. List each of the seven steps for conducting a statistical study.
  2. Explain what you would do to complete each step.
  3. Then, answer the questions below:
    • What is your hypothesis on this issue?
    • What type of data (quantitative or categorical) will you be looking for? What are some examples?
    • What methods would you use to gather information? Which sampling method would you use and why?
    • How would the results of the data influence decisions you might make about eating and sleeping?
    • How would we know if the results of the study are valid and reliable?
    • What questions would you ask to find out more about the quality of the data?
    • Why is it important to gather and report valid and reliable data?

Submission Instructions:

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