
Hope Harvey 

MondayNov 13 at 3:05pm

Challenges and Cultural Influences in the Growing Use of Medical Technology in the United States

The escalating dependence on medical technology inside the United States has unquestionably yielded a wide range of advantages, encompassing enhanced diagnostic capabilities and the availability of superior treatment modalities. Nevertheless, the rapid increase in the adoption of technology has presented various obstacles.

Challenges of Growing Medical Technology

The expense of developing and sustaining cutting-edge medical technology is a major barrier. The promise of better patient outcomes at the expense of rising healthcare expenses is a double-edged sword. In addition, it can be difficult to keep up with the pace of technological development in terms of training employees and integrating new systems. Both individual healthcare workers and healthcare organizations require ongoing training to keep up with the ever-changing nature of the technologies they use (Panayides et al., 2020).  Problems with interoperability are also an obstacle. Due to the siloed nature of many medical technologies, patient records tend to be disjointed and communication between healthcare practitioners is hampered. A lack of interoperability has the potential to disrupt patients’ care and put their health at risk.

Cultural Influences on Medical Technology

The use of medical technology is heavily impacted by the cultural views and values of the American people, with efforts to reduce costs serving as the primary focus. The cultural emphasis placed on autonomy and self-reliance frequently results in a demand for individualized approaches to healthcare that make use of the most recent technical breakthroughs (Lee & Lee, 2021). However, this demand for cutting-edge treatments and technologies is in direct conflict with the equally widespread need for cost containment inside the United States’ healthcare system.

Moreover, the cultural idea that development and innovation are inevitable in the United States contributes to the country’s strong urge to adopt new medical technologies. The cultural narrative of progress is aligned with the goal of achieving improved health outcomes as well as the conviction that science and technology have the potential to provide solutions to health challenges (Sovacool & Griffiths, 2020). However, this cultural propensity toward innovation can occasionally exceed the capability to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and long-term effects of the technology being developed.

Additionally, one cannot ignore the fact that the cultural value of consumerism in the American tradition has an effect on healthcare. Patients frequently have the mindset that they are entitled to receive the very best treatments and technology that are currently accessible to the medical community (Perski & Short, 2021). This consumer-driven mentality can contribute to the excessive use of medical technologies, which further fuels concerns about the ever-increasing cost of healthcare.

Integration of Biblical Perspective: Stewardship and Compassion in Medical Technology

From a biblical standpoint, ethical questions surrounding medical technology are crucial, governed by the values of stewardship and compassion contained in the Scriptures. The Bible stresses the value of stewardship, encouraging people to properly handle the possessions God has given them. That translates into a plea for cautious application of medical technology, taking into account its promises and risks. The New International Version of Proverbs 14:15 advises, “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.” To make sure that the use of medical technology is consistent with ethical stewardship, the Bible advises us to give it careful thought.

The Bible also stresses the importance of protecting the vulnerable. The Gospels portray Jesus’ ministry as one marked by compassionate concern for the marginalized and sick. Bible verse (Matthew 14:14 NIV) reads: “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” As such, it echoes the biblical command to show mercy to the ill. This translates to a determination to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their finances, have access to high-quality medical care. The biblical ethic of caring for the least of these is reflected in efforts to ensure that technological advances are broadly beneficial.

Therefore, growing reliance on medical technology has both positive and negative consequences in the United States. Striking a balance between the pursuit of technological innovation and the need to manage expenses necessitates careful consideration of cultural beliefs, values, and ethical standards.


Lee, S. M., & Lee, D. (2021). Opportunities and challenges for contactless healthcare services in the post-COVID-19 Era. Technological Forecasting and Social Change167, 120712.

Panayides, A. S., Amini, A., Filipovic, N. D., Sharma, A., Tsaftaris, S. A., Young, A., … & Pattichis, C. S. (2020). AI in medical imaging informatics: current challenges and future directions. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics24(7), 1837-1857.

Perski, O., & Short, C. E. (2021). Acceptability of digital health interventions: embracing the complexity. Translational behavioral medicine11(7), 1473-1480.

Sovacool, B. K., & Griffiths, S. (2020). Culture and low-carbon energy transitions. Nature Sustainability3(9), 685-693.


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