
Jaimeeka Siggers 

WednesdayNov 22 at 7:34pm

According to Buchbinder & Thompson, there are 5 key themes identified by practicing healthcare managers. These themes are interest in the profession and satisfaction, role of mentors, variation in preparation, and challenges faced by healthcare managers (2010). The themes mentioned in the text have helped and improved healthcare managers in their line of work. Most gave a background of what got them interested in this field of work. These themes are very personal, and some can relate. Thinking about themes of healthcare, I think of what’s the point of healthcare? With this question everyone should have an answer whether you’re in healthcare or not. The point of healthcare is to provide health care to patients in need of special care. What do you think is the point of healthcare? 

When I think of the interest in the profession and satisfaction, it explains itself. You have interest in the profession, so you went for the job. Other hand, you get satisfaction when accomplishing something in the workplace. Examples of satisfaction through the workplace include “working closely with others who share a commitment to the helping profession, being challenged and never being bored in their roles, and having the chance to demonstrate their understanding and key skills in completing tasks and leading others (Buchbinder & Thompson, 2010). Everyone who loves doing their job should have satisfaction somewhere especially if good things are the outcome.  

In the role of mentor, anyone can be your mentor. Someone who is not in healthcare can be your mentor. Someone who is younger than you can be your mentor. Proverbs 22:6 says Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (2001). God is saying train or mentor someone in the direction of success and as they get older, they will still be in that field because you mentored and help them on a success journey. Also, could be saying mentor them until retirement. That speaks a lot of words for steering someone in the direction of success. “Mentorship, however formal, builds confidence and character, challenges our comfort zones, and creates lasting connections. And while mentorship is valuable in all walks of life, it’s particularly beneficial in the healthcare and medical professions due to their demanding academics, training, and job responsibilities” (Zansler, 2020).  

Variation in preparation is all about the variety of ways you have learned to get into the healthcare management position. Some may be personal, the other may be through school. Either way, that learning technique has granted you interest in studying healthcare. You may need plenty of experience in healthcare and you should line up your KSA’s with the position that best fits you and take the steps that need to be taken to fill that role.  

Challenges faced by healthcare managers can be hard. “Young and mid-career managers wrestle with the challenge of balancing family and career, a pressure felt particularly by many female managers” (Buchbinder & Thompson, 2020). Females have a hard time when dealing with children and babysitters versus men. That can be a challenge when you have a little one so young. Challenges can occur when someone is in school and managing a family also because you will get easily distracted. Healthcare management is not the only position where challenges can occur because your lifestyle can challenge you in any way possible. It is up to you to balance it and not let it overwhelm you. Psalm 86:7 says when I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me (2001). Call on God for your troubles and he will answer you for what is best for you. 

There are different growth and changes during healthcare management. Changes can result in more people and less hours worked. Can be less people and more hours worked. Changes can also be different workloads for someone than before. “Change management in healthcare is the process of implementing innovation, new perspectives, processes, and approaches to enable improvements in areas such as care delivery, patient utilization, satisfaction, and engagement (AKASA, 2023). I look at changes as being a good thing for the job, but it also can be a bad thing. I believe these changes will impact the healthcare system successfully because as time goes by, there will need to be time for change. A change in the workplace can happen daily, weekly, or even monthly. New change causes for new responsibility and anytime the workplace has implemented change, it is a new approach to something. New changes in technology can support the clients in a better way and make it easier for healthcare workers to operate. The impacts on both care settings should be around the same because all changes should be used to elevate a company and not tear it down.  

“Employment of medical and health services managers is projected to grow 28 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Logistics, 2023). As far as employment for managers, the growth will impact the organization in a good way because the more workers the better. Even if there is no available work for them now as the years go on there will be job opportunities and more work for managers that should be filled. In any healthcare position, as years go on, the position percentage will grow in 5 to 10 years.  

AKASA. (13 March 2023). What is Change Management in Healthcare? Retrieved from What Is Change Management in Healthcare? – AKASALinks to an external site. 

Buchbinder, S.B. & Thompson, J.M. (2010). Career Opportunities in healthcare management. (1st ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 9780763759643   

Proverbs 22:6. ESV. Mentors. Retrieved from What Does the Bible Say About Mentors? (openbible.info)Links to an external site. 

Psalm 86:7. ESV. Difficulties of the Life. Retrieved from What Does the Bible Say About Difficulties Of The Life? (openbible.info)Links to an external site. 

U.S. Bureau of Labor Logistics. (6 September 2023). Medical and Health Services Managers. Retrieved from Medical and Health Services Managers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)Links to an external site. 

Zansler, S. (13 April 2020). Mentorship in the Healthcare & Medical Field. Retrieved from Mentorship Guide for Healthcare/Medical Students & Professionals (edumed.org)Links to an external site. 


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