
SOCW 6051 Diversity Portfolio Guide Using Google Sites as Your Portfolio Platform

Note that Google Sites is not the only free web-based platform for building your Portfolio. Other available options include Wix, Weebly, and WordPress. This guide focuses on Google Sites because it is simple, streamlined, and widely known. However, if you would like to use a different platform, you may.

Follow this guide as you construct your Portfolio. For a visual example, you can also access a sample Diversity Portfolio using Google Sites.

Building Your Portfolio

  1. Gotohttps://sites.google.com.IfyouhaveaGoogleaccount,useittologin.If you do not have a Google account, click on “Create account” and follow the setup steps.
  2. Click on the “+” to create your Google site, which will serve as your Diversity Portfolio.
  3. Click on “Enter site name” in the upper left and name your Diversity Portfolio.


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  1. Add pages from the vertical navigation menu on the right. To do so, first click on the “Pages” tab. Note that for your Diversity Portfolio, you must have at least four pages: Welcome, My Work, Contact Me, and Resources.
  2. Double-click on the page labeled “Home.” Rename the page “Welcome.” This will serve as your site home page but also your required welcome area.
  3. Then select the “+” at the bottom of the vertical navigation menu to add pages for My Work, Contact Me, and Resources. If you would like to include additional, optional pages you may do so. Notice that as you add pages, the titles also
    appear along the top menu of your site and under the “Pages” tab.

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Designing and Adding Elements to Pages

  1. Once you have your four required pages labeled, get started designing them. Hover over the banner on each page to adjust the banner image or header type.
  2. From the “Insert” tab, you can select a preformatted layout, or you can add individual elements such as text, images, and embedded videos. Make the Portfolio your own by getting creative! Further detail on the required Portfolio pages appears below.
    Welcome Page
    Include brief text and/or video here that shares a bit about yourself and guides viewers into the Portfolio. You might also consider an image to capture what diversity means to you.


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My Work Page
This page should showcase the four required Portfolio items from SOCW 6051:

  • Who I Am video (Week 1)
  • Statement of Anti-Racist Social Work Practice (Week 3)
  • Intersectionality Case Analysis (Week 7)
  • Diversity Activity Presentation (Week 10)
    To add video items, ensure that you have downloaded the relevant Kaltura video to your Google Drive. Select the “Drive” button to access your Drive account and attach the video.
    To add written items, copy your writing into a text box or use the “Drive” button to attach a document from your Drive account.
    To add PowerPoint items, select “Slides” and the relevant file from your Drive account.
    Contact Me Page
    Communicate your contact information such as email address and any social
    media handles. Only include as much detail as you are comfortable with.
    Resources Page
    Use this page to collect and display resources that have resonated with you and/or that will support your ongoing commitment to cultural competence and to diversity, human rights, and social justice.

3. Preview your Portfolio. Once you are happy with your design, click on the “Preview” button in the toolbar to see how your Portfolio will look to others who visit. Then make changes as necessary.

Publishing and Sharing Your Portfolio

  1. When you are ready to share your Diversity Portfolio with others, click on the “Publish” button in the toolbar.
  2. The “Publish to the web” box will appear. Enter a unique and specific web address; if the web address is too general, it will likely already be taken and the system will prevent you from publishing.



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  1. Ensure that “Anyone” is listed under “Who can view my site.” This will allow your instructor and colleagues to access your Portfolio. Select “Manage” and navigate through the options if you see something different.
  2. Check the box next to “Request public search engines to not display my site” if you want to keep your Portfolio unsearchable on the internet.
  3. Click “Publish.”
  4. Once your Portfolio is published, the grayed-out link icon in the toolbar will now be available. Click on the link icon to retrieve the shareable link for your Portfolio. Copy and paste it into your Week 11 Discussion to share with your Instructor and colleagues.
    Note that from the down arrow beside “Publish,” you have several options, including the option to unpublish at any time.

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Potential Problem: Your Instructor and Colleagues Cannot View Your Portfolio

  1. Click the “Share With Others” icon in the toolbar to check your sharing options.
  2. Apopupshouldappear.IntheLinksarea,select“Change.”
  3. Ifyousee“Restricted”beside“Publishedsite,”clickthedownarrowandchange to “Public.” This allows anyone with the link to view your site.
  4. Click the “Done” button. Your viewing permissions should now be updated.

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For additional troubleshooting and tutorials, go to: Google. (n.d.). How to use Google sites.https://support.google.com/sites/answer/6372878?hl=en

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