Discussion: Abnormal” versus “Normal” behavior 2 Responses


1# Dr. Frederick Neuman, in an article for Psychology Today, states, “In order to assess human needs and human behavior accurately… (we)…must know what is considered normal or appropriate” (2013). When someone contrasts and compares the two actions and behaviors, it forms a criterion that professionals use in their decisions on which “term” may be closer to the individual they are serving (Neuman, 2013).

            However, the problem is that people vary so much and that “typical human development provides for much individual variation” (Neuman, 2013). This is why our textbook says, “We emphasize that individuals vary greatly” (Zastrow et al., 2019).

             What can be expected in one culture might be looked down on in another or thought a little “weird” and “odd,” at least. I know this firsthand from growing up in a cult. It was usual for me not to be able to watch TV, homeschool, not to be able to drive till I was married, and not have the option of college and a job outside our little village. (I did not realize we were oppressed, so I know the difference. I am just using it as an example). It was customary in our “culture” to wear long cotton dresses and behave in specific ways. However, when others would come by the hundreds to our restaurants and business establishments to see us because they thought we were odd, it aggravated me.

            This same concept can happen, however, within ethnic cultures. Our Italian culture was considered odd when we first moved to Arkansas from Rhode Island, and their southern ways were very odd to us. If one individual decides to wear a hairstyle that is different from others around them, i.e., a black person decides to get an afro, this would be considered beautiful and normal within their culture. However, if that person went to an all-white school, unfortunately, that person would likely come under some form of oppression because they looked different than the others around them. And it is a shame that our society behaves in that way. 

2#   WOW! Hello Classmates and Professor. What an interesting question, and I find myself thinking abnormal for that is the stigma that has been related to me for years. I am not abnormal I am just someone who sees a difference in the world in which I live; I see others as conflict in my life or being a conflict in my life, does that make me abnormal? I think not, it is just how I see and feel things, I am always looking for that voice that is constantly forever talking in my head and it seems like there is someone right around the corner or in the next room speaking to me, I know that it is mmy mind and a chemical imbalance which causes this. Still I hear it and believe at times that it is real for it is constantly in my head. I have been told that I am a abnormal person. Why? am I concidered that way is it  because of the imbalance or my actions? I must admit I have done things that would seem like abnormal actions, but to me I was just doing an action to protect mysel; even though there was no threat, I did not realize this until I got help for my mental disorder. And I thought I was normal acting when I would speak out at the voices, I though everyone heard what I could hear. I do not feel abnormal, not since getting on the right medication and being able to ajust my ways of dealing with what I still deal with. I hear them, I just do not react the same way as I did because others find it scary and abnormal behavior. I don’t. But I do whatch how I am around others for fear of being put back into hospital that does not help the issue, if the voices can not be shut off then what do you think a hospital can do. Address the behavior, right! That is wrong.I have been hospitalized and not once have they calmed the voices in my head, they cofine to a room and that is bad for a schizophrenic. closer only heighens the feeling of being trapped. I feel like a normal woman who has a mind that produces to much of a chemical that causes these voices to come I just need to deal with them as best as I can, granted that can be diffucult at times, but I manage.

  Atthough a particular behavior may be in it self abnormal. It may be part of a pattern that reflects an abnomal process, for instance sleeping less than adverage, for instance is sometimes associated with severe depression and other psychosis. Also, if someone is extremely far from average in behavior or attitude, it is likely that he/she will turn out emotionally ill by other criteria. Fredric Neuman M.D ( caring) Home treatment for the Emotionally Disturbed.

Question – What do you consider abnormal in another person by their ways or actions?


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