Discussion and reply 400 words

Discussion : Massage

How has the perception of massage changed over the last 20 years?    What has been done to help/hurt the massage profession? 

Does “Massage Envy” type businesses help with the perception of massage as a holistic, preventative healthcare system?

Include any research that supports/ does not support the use of massage therapy as complementary to Allopathic Medicine. 

 Remember, initial posts need to be posted by Wendesday   Two replies need to be posted .


Massage technique use dates back to ancient civilizations with the earliest written records of massage in Egypt and China, however the practice declined in the West until 1600 C.E. due to the rise in modern medicine (Alavian, 2023). In the early part of the 20th century, massage became more widely used but it was perceived as a method of treatment for the rich and luxurious. Later on down the road, massage went under scrutiny as it was seen under the category of the sex trade. Massage later earned its respect as more states regulated the practice and standardized the licensing and education for it making it a well used and mainstream treatment by the entire population. Research has also been done to see that massage for babies help infants cry less, sleep better, and be less stressed which can be used complimentary to Allopathic Medicine along with its uses in diseases such as Parkinson’s, anxiety, and migraine headaches (Alavian, 2023). Websites such as “Massage Envy” do help with the positive message of massages as it reiterates that these places create a customized experience, have licensed and educated employees, and testimonials scattered throughout the website. 


Alavian, K. (2023). “Chapter 13 Massage.” [PowerPoint slides].  Module 5: Learning Materials. https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/147490/pages/module-5-learning-materials?module_item_id=10289013

Massageenvy.com. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2023, from https://www.massageenvy.com/massage


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