I need two replies to this discussion board on either agreeing or disagreeing. 150 words for each reply, the original discussion is attached.
Describing the steps you would take to coordinate the law enforcement response and investigations in your community, with the services and programs mentioned on the site.
Through OJJDP’s Comprehensive Gang Model, communities can implement a comprehensive approach to gang crime and youth violence reduction. OJJDP awarded nearly $1.4 million under the Youth Gang Suppression Implementation program to help jurisdictions establish a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to suppressing youth gangs (Working for youth justice and safety. n.d). OJJDP’s Comprehensive Gang Model provides a framework for coordinated action between law enforcement and citizens to improve a community’s capacity to prevent youth from joining gangs and reduce street gang crime and violence. Built on more than 20 years of testing and implementation, the model combines prevention, intervention, and suppression tactics to tackle the root causes of gang violence and establishes an organized plan of action (Working for youth justice and safety. n.d). The model takes a comprehensive approach to reduce and prevent youth gang violence using five core strategies: Community Mobilization, Opportunities Provision, Social Intervention, Suppression and Organizational Change and Development.
Unfortunately, our nation has seen an increase in youth crime, more specifically relating to school shootings and bullying. Several of our community leaders have implemented the School Resource Program into many of these schools, making it mandatory to have officers at every school. Though is may or may not be practical, depending on the number of schools in each community, officer to student ratio, department size, and more.
Coordinating and implementing this program in my community may help decrease juvenile crime and increase a more positive relationship between law enforcement and our future community leaders (our children). 1 Thessalonians 5:11,” Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do” (KJV). My community is very fortunate to not have a big gang problem, however, this is not to say that we have not had our fair shares of wannabe gang members, which statistically speaking is worse.
Official king james bible online (n.d.) Retrieved July 1 2023 from https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.orgLinks to an external site.
Working for youth justice and safety. (n.d.). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved July 1, 2023, from https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/node/83286Links to an external site.