Discussion Forum 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 15 in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook.

Initial Response:

For this discussion forum,

  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a Dutch Auction to a traditional underwriting method for an IPO.
  • Identify one real-life IPO that occurred in 2020. Try to select a company that a fellow student has not already selected.
  • For this one IPO, determine the following:
    • The initial price
    • The stock price at the end of the first day of trading
    • The stock price at the end of 10 days of trading
    • The stock price at the end of 30 days of trading
  • State the following in your post:
    • The total amount of the offering
    • The number of shares offered
    • The underwriter
    • The fees for the IPO
  • Evaluate the success of this IPO from the perspective of the issuer; the underwriter, and investors.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate school students need to learn how to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly and/or credible resource in addition to the text.


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