discussion question


This week we’re going to get inside the head of a customer because this is what marketers need to do to get their message heard and to influence purchasing decisions. To do this, respond to the following:

  • In marketing, the customer comes first. You can’t market to potential customers unless you understand their wants, needs, desires, state of mind, interests, income, and more. So why do you think it is important for a marketer to understand how a customer makes that final purchasing decision?
  • If you were purchasing a car, which one of the following factors would most influence your decision to buy? Then let’s flip, it If a marketer knew this about you, how could he/she use this to better market a new car to you?
    • Price (or)
    • Color (or)
    • Style (or)
    • Status (or)

Discussion Response Requirements

For all of the course discussions, there are no right or wrong answers. You are simply responding to questions in your own words. Do not copy and paste content from the web. This is a violation of Strayer’s Academic Integrity policy.

  1. Respond to the discussion with at least four good sentences for each bullet point. Make sure you address all points of each bullet.
  2. Reply to at least one classmate with at least four full substantive sentences.
  3. Go beyond, “I agree. Great post.” Provide substantive commentary about your classmates’ posts
    • If you respond to multiple classmates, just one needs to meet these requirements, the rest can be shorter. The more posts you respond to, the more insights you are pulling from the class.


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