Discussion Reply: additional pros and cons where further consideration on the design process can be addressed.


I am going to discuss a “back to the drawing board ” design from  Kansas City Missouri. It was constructed in 1972- 1974. The Kemper arena  in 1979 during a heavy rainstorm had a major infrastructure compromise  when the roof collapsed due to inadequate drainage infrastructure and  poor bolting techniques. Thankfully the building was unoccupied at the  time of the roof collapse. The roof had been designed to release  rainwater slowly to keep from flooding the nearby areas. This design  allowed rain to collect and forms heavy pools of water. As the roof  sagged it collected more water than anticipated in design. This roof  system was suspended from hangers by design and had no interior columns.  Also, the bolt placement design was also miscalculated. The  construction system was large, exposed trusses suspending tons of  concrete. The building cost was $23 million.  




The architect on the project was Jahn Helmut a German American, and  this was his first major project. The arena also won architectural  awards before the collapse and Jahn Helmut later goes on to design the  Sony Center in Berlin and many more major buildings worldwide earning  dozens of awards in his lifetime of being an influential architect in  American History.  


McFadden, C. (2020, October 31). These 25 architectural failures really could have been avoided. IE. Retrieved May 3, 2023, from https://interestingengineering.com/culture/25-extremely-embarrassing-architectural-failures

Newill, C. (2014, July 11). TIMELINE: A Look Back At 40 Years of Kansas City’s Kemper Arena. kcur.org. Retrieved 2023, from kcur.org

Wikipedia. (2023, March 21). Helmut Jahn. Wikipedia. Retrieved May 3, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Jahn


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