In this week of Industrial Automated Systems we discuss process controls that utilize variables and controlled set-points. The following topics are part of this system:
On-Off Control mode is as the name implies in that the process control is automated to turn a system on and off. This is dependent on input variables and does not have a mechanism to account for lag. On-Off control is not able to have an intermediate setpoint.
Proportional mode process ensures that the input values will have an output of a magnitude that is proportional to that of what the error variable is determined. What this means is that if an error is small the output would be proportional to the magnitude of that size based on a predetermined scale.
Proportional-Integral mode combines the benefits of proportional mode along with a reset ability. Integral refers to the reset and the action can also add to a controllers output from previous actions taken place.
Proportional-Integral-derivative mode must function alongside or in combination with integral or / and derivative. The derivative mode allows for rapid load and large changes in slow response systems. This mode allows faster response than proportional, though the rate setting is low.
Bartelt, T. L. (20110407). Industrial Automated Systems: Instrumentation and Motion Control. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]]. Retrieved from vbk://9781305474277