

Let’s assume there are only 2 countries that produce 2 good.  More specifically, suppose that the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) each have 2 units of productive resources, 1 used to produce Wine, the other Cloth.  The US can produce 40 units of Wine with 1 unit of productive resources and 40 units of Cloth with 1 unit of productive resources.  The UK can produce 20 units of Wine with 1 unit of productive resources and 10 units of cloth with 1 unit of productive resources.  Using this information, please answer the questions below:

*Who has an absolute advantage in the production of Wine?  Cloth?

*Who has a comparative advantage in the production of Wine?  Cloth?

*Given specialization, what is production before trade?  After trade?

*What are the gains from trade?

*What is the “range” of potential exchange rates between US and UK?

P2. Suppose that in Japan, without a tariff 10,000 cars will be sold per year at an equilibrium price of $20,000.  With a $5,000 tariff, supply decreases such that 8,000 cars are produced at $22,500 per car. 

*Use a supply and demand diagram to graphically illustrate the example above.

*Why is the increase in price less than the tariff?

*Who bears the burden of the tariff?

*What are government revenues from the tariff?

*What is the “dead-weight loss” associated with the tariff – i.e., the lost in Producer Surplus and Consumer Surplus?

P3.  Finally, graphically explain the negative effects of quotas.  How about subsidies?  Label and explain results in detail.


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