Education Assignment: Diversity and Gender Acceptance


As educators it is our job to ensure we are reaching all students  regardless of abilities, race, sex, religion, gender, etc. Every year  schools receive end of year data from the county and/or state  assessments given at various points during the school year. This data is  then broken down into subgroup data (race, abilities, socioeconomic  status, language, etc). Highly qualified educators use this information  to plan activities that will help to bridge the gaps between these  groups. Unfortunately, the gaps for some subgroups continue to grow each  year. Some of this can be attributed to lack of funds but others can be  in how educators teach various groups. 

In order to be an  effective educator, you must be able to look beyond any hidden or  personal biases that you don’t know you even have. Many times these are  things that have been ingrained in you since a child. Read the article  to learn more about Hidden Biases and how these impact your interactions with others.

One of the most prevalent biases we have is related to gender. Review the following articles before you begin this assignment. 

  1. The Gender Gap: Boys Lagging 
  2. Why Schools Are Failing Our Boys 
  3. Why do girls lose interest in STEM 
  4. The Black-White Achievement Gap 

After  reading the articles, you will visit a store of your choice that sells  toys (or website). Browse the aisles (or website) and make a note of  different forms of gender bias. The following items are some of the  things that you should observe

  • How are the aisles labeled? How do you know where the boys’ and girls’ sections are? 
  • Which sections are larger? 
  • What types of toys are in each section? List the exact names of toys. 
  • What colors are used? 
  • What type of lettering is used? Jagged edges or smooth edges? What would this suggest?
  •  What type of language do you observe on the packaging? Indicate what types of verbs are used for boys and for girls? 
  • Cost? 
  • How many males and females appear on the box covers? Pick one aisle and count them.
  • How are women portrayed? How are men portrayed? 
  • What do the toys promote? Violence, communication, friendship, competition, learning, global knowledge, parenting skills? 
  • What careers are associated with the toys? 

Upon  completion of this research, you will use what you have learned to PLAN  a lesson targeted at kindergarten through third grade on gender  acceptance/diversity.  Here is a short list of books  that  you can use or you can research one on your own. Once you have selected  the book, create an extension activity that could be used with the  targeted age group. Remember worksheets are not developmentally  appropriate!

Click on the blue hyperlinks in the instructions to access material needed to complete the assignment. 

Use  the template that is attached to the assignment link to complete the  assignment. The assignment will only be accepted if the required format  is submitted. 


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