English English homework

Hello everyone, 

can you help me with my homework please ?!

Write in the missing verbs for each sentence. Look at the grammar it will help you.

Hello everyone, let’s get started, thank you for coming, I am ……………………………………….. This morning I am going to be:

showing        talking        taking        reporting        telling

1. ………………..         to you about the video phone project.2. ……………….          you about the collapse of the housing market in the early 90’s3. ……………….          you how to deal with late payments.4. ……………….          a look at the recent boom in virtual reality software companies.5. ……………….          on the results of the market study we carried out in Austria.

So I will begin by:

making         outlining       bringing        giving       filling

1. ………………         you in on the background to the project2. ………………         a few observations about the events leading up to that collapse.3. ……………..         company policy on bad debt.4. ……………..          you an overview of the history of VR.5. ……………..         you an up-to-date on the latest findings of the study.

…and then I will go on to:

put           discuss         make       highlight      talk

1. …………………     what I see as the main advantages of the new system.2. ………………..      the situation into some kind of perspective.3. ………………..      you through our basic debt management procedure.4. ……………….       detailed recommendations regarding our own Research and Development.5. ……………….       in more depth the implications of the data in the files in front of you.


When you give a presentation in English, grammatical accuracy is important. In this exercise cross out the verbs which are not grammatically accurate for the sentence. The first one has been done for you.

1. First of all, I would like to  preview / overview  / outline the many points of my talk.

2. Perhaps I should start off by   pointing / stressing / reminding  thatthis is just a preliminary report. Nothing has been finalized as yet.3. But later on I will, in fact, be  putting forward / putting out / putting over  several detailed proposals.4. One thing I will be  dealing with / referring / regarding  is the issue of minimum wage.5. And I will also be   asking / raising / putting  the question of privatization.6. So, what we are really   driving at / aiming at / looking at   are likely developments in the structure of the company over the next five to ten years.7. If we could just    draw / focus / attract    our attention to the short – term objectives to begin with.8. The eighteenth month plan, which by now you should have all had time to look at.

outlines / reviews / sets out   in detail our main recommendations.

9. Basically, what we are   suggesting / asking / reviewing is a complete reorganization of staff and offices.10. I would like to    turn / draw / focus   my attention to some of the difficulties we are likely to face.11. I am sure there is no need to    draw out / spell out / think out what the main problem is going to be.12. But we do need to seriously   ask / answer / address    the question of how we are going to overcome the difficulties.13. The basic message I am trying to   get through / get across / get to  here is simple. We cannot rely on  government support for much longer.14. Disappointing end – of – year figures    underline / undermine / underestimate   the seriousness of the situation.15. And the main conclusion we have   thought / got to / come to  isthat massive corporate restructuring will be necessary before any privatization can go through.


In a good speech what you say – the content – is much more important than anything else. But a clear structure helps. When you move on to your next point or change direction, tell the audience.

You can do this easily and effectively simply by using simple phrases or signposts to guide your audience through your speech.

Choose one of the ‘signpost’ expressions from the box for the following situations.

To move on

To go back

To summarize

To expand on

To recap

To turn to

To digress

To conclude

To elaborate on

1. When you want to make your next point. ………………………………………………………………………….2. When you want to change direction          …………………………………………………………………………..3. When you want to refer to an earlier point ……………………………………………………………………….4. When you want to repeat the main points ………………………………………………………………………..5. When you want to give a wider perspective ……………………………………………………………………..6. When you want to do a deeper analysis ……………………………………………………………………………7. When you just want to give the basics ……………………………………………………………………………..8. When you want to depart from your plan ………………………………………………………………………..9. When you want to finish your speech ………………………………………………………………………………


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