English Homework Help

The objective is to craft a story that you could one day use to show a potential client or employer.

This project will be divided into 3 sections that build upon themselves:

Final Project: Part 2: Pre-Production: 5 points

  • Create a completed Story Table with separate columns for Narrative “script”, Visual/shots & Graphics, and Audio Themes (music and/or effects) in 3 separate columns. The story table must have rows for:
    • 1st Act – Exposition
    • 1st Act – Inciting Incident
    • 1st Act – Plot point one
    • 2nd Act – Rising Action
    • 2nd Act – Midpoint
    • 2nd Act – Plot Point two
    • 3rd Act – Pre-climax
    • 3rd Act – Climax
    • 3rd Act – Resolution

rubric: 5pts total, 0.5 pts for each of the following:

  1. Story Structure:
    • Beginning, Middle, and End: Does the story table demonstrate a clear structure with a beginning that introduces the setting and characters, a middle that develops the plot, and an end that provides resolution or a compelling conclusion?
    • Pacing: Is the pacing appropriate for the story being told? Does it maintain the audience’s interest without rushing or dragging?
  2. Character Development:
    • Character Introduction: Are the characters introduced effectively, providing essential information about who they are, their motivations, and their relationships?
    • Character Arcs: Do the characters undergo development or change throughout the story? Are their arcs compelling and consistent?
  3. Conflict and Resolution:
    • Conflict Introduction: Is there a clear and engaging conflict that drives the narrative forward?
    • Resolution: Does the story table provide a satisfying resolution or address the conflict in a meaningful way?
  4. Setting and Atmosphere:
    • Setting Description: Is the setting vividly described, providing a clear sense of place and atmosphere?
    • Immersive Elements: Does the story include elements that immerse the audience in the world of the story?
  5. Dialogue:
    • Naturalness: Is the dialogue natural and authentic, reflecting the characters’ personalities and the context of the story?
    • Relevance: Does the dialogue contribute to the plot, character development, or overall narrative?
  6. Visual Elements:
    • Clarity: Are visual elements used to enhance understanding and engagement with the story?
    • Shot List: Does the story table include a list and type of shots 
  7. Consistency:
    • Internal Consistency: Are there any inconsistencies within the story table in terms of plot, character details, or setting?
    • Consistency with Theme: Does the story remain consistent with the theme or central message it aims to convey?
  8. Originality:
    • Creativity: Does the story table showcase creative thinking and original ideas?
  9. Engagement:
    • Audience Engagement: Does the story captivate and engage the audience throughout its presentation?
    • Emotional Impact: Does the story evoke emotion or leave a lasting impression on the viewer?
  10. Creativity and Execution:
    • Execution: Is the story table effectively executed, demonstrating a high level of skill and attention to detail?


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