Examine Your Experiences with Classroom Environments

Consider how you will reflect on direct and indirect experiences with educational environments in the elementary school setting.  They may also include indirect experiences such as, observing a colleague, hearing from a concerned friend, or reading/watching a video.    

These direct and indirect experiences make up your schema, or patterns of thought, about classroom environments. Draw on these experiences as you reflect on each of the five elements of safe and supportive classroom environments identified, such as relationships, social and emotional learning, approaches to discipline, communication, and learner empowerment. 

Think about the questions below:

When were aspects of each element present? 

How do you think this influenced the experience of the classroom environment?

When were aspects of each element absent? 

How do you think this influenced the experience of the classroom environment?

Why do you think these five elements are important for students who have experienced trauma?

What is one resource from this week you found particularly useful?

In what way is it useful?


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