Financial Reporting (


  • The team has to source the financial statements of a company for two years in a row and conduct a professional-like firm analysis. The company can be either a listed firm or a privately-held corporation (unlisted).  
  • The team must write a report on a Word document about the net income statement & the balance sheet of the firm. Also. a series of key ratios will be computed. Description of the financial situation of the firm and its results. Is the company in good financial condition? What do the ratios show? Write a thorough discussion on all the results.
  • The team will also perform an oral presentation in class based on the information written in that Word document. 
  • Metrics required and/or to be computed:
    • Net Income
    • Return on Sales
    • Return on Equity
    • Return on Assets
    • Accounts Receivable Turnover
    • Accounts Payable Turnover
    • Inventory Turnover
    • Cash Conversion Cycle
    • Working Capitals Ratio
    • Indebtedness Ratio


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