Note: This is a three-part Assignment that is submitted over the course of 3 weeks. This week, you will submit Part 3. Additionally, you will continue using the same document for each submission (renaming it each time you submit). In this week’s submission, you will re-include what you originally submitted for Parts 1 and 2, and you will complete Part 3.

For this Assignment, you will continue your role of an applicant who is seeking a position as a team leader who must engage in and inspire creativity and innovation within their team. For your reference, the scenario that was introduced in Week 4 is included here again.

The company’s leadership team was impressed with your résumé, especially your previous experience with analyzing and incorporating creativity and innovation into an organization from your role as a consultant. During your first phone interview, the vice president in charge of product improvement, Robert Simmons, emphasized the following needs:

We are looking for a leader who can foster creativity and innovative thought processes in a dedicated team. The position requires a creative mindset and the ability to convey, assess, and implement creativity and innovative ideas and processes. Not only that, but the team this person will inherit has a blend of personalities and is suffering from low morale, and this leader must be able to create an improved team environment that will bring about positive change for our organization.

Based on the strength of your initial conversation, Robert has invited you back for a follow-up interview with the entire leadership team and has asked you to make a presentation to the team on your leadership approach to creativity and innovation. In addition to sharing your knowledge and perspectives on creativity and innovation, he has asked that you show how you plan to incorporate leadership strategies to enable creativity and innovation and to foster a positive and productive environment within your team that will lead to improved organizational outcomes.

You will develop a PowerPoint presentation that includes detailed speaker notes (or a script) for each slide that you would use if you were delivering the presentation to the company’s leadership team. Also, be sure to incorporate references to appropriate academic sources, such as those found in the Learning Resources, or those in the Walden Library.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Return to your Module 2 Assignment Template to complete Part 3 of your presentation. 


Submit Part 3 of your presentation (with accompanying speaker notes). Be sure you are fully addressing the following in 6–7 slides, excluding references:

Part 3: Incorporating Innovative Workplace Culture and Practices

  • Summarize how innovation can lead to a productive culture for an organization and explain how you intend to contribute to a culture of innovation.
  • Summarize how innovative practices impact an organization and explain how you intend to implement innovative workplace practices.
  • To conclude your profile, convince the VP how you will use your ideas to foster a positive team environment, bring forth creativity and innovation in the workplace, support sound decision making, and promote positive social change. Provide at least two examples of business practices you would employ.

Refer to the Week 6 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.


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