Foundation in special education, child adolescent psychology

Application Exercise 6.1: Components of Language 

In this​ video, Dr. Erin Studer describes a​ fifth-grade boy with very limited language skills. When he started​ kindergarten, he had five words in his oral language vocabulary. Dr. Studer explains how the school has developed IEPs and provided interventions that have helped Pablo progress year after year.

CHIME: Dr. Erin Studer and Pablo

Consider what you have learned about​ Pablo’s speech and language skills and the assessments conducted by the school. Explain​ Pablo’s progress in each aspect of the components of language​ (i.e., content,​ form, and​ pragmatics). 

Application Exercise​ 6.2: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

In this​ video, a high school teacher meets with a group of students from diverse cultures and listens to them express their feelings about the language and cultural differences they experience at school.

English Language Learners

How might teachers proactively address the concern expressed by these students when they state that teachers​ don’t understand their difficulties and their​ struggles? 

Application Exercise​ 6.3: Working with Families to Develop​ Students’ Language Skills

In the following​ video, Dr. Studer briefly describes working with Pablo from​ pre-school through the fifth grade.

Dr. Erin​ Studer, Executive Director of CHIME​ Institute’s Charter School​ Programs, discusses how a fully inclusive classroom allows Pablo to engage with his school community in meaningful ways that target the social and academic language experiences necessary for​ Pablo’s individualized goals

CHIME: Pablo

Describe the intervention that helped Pablo begin to develop the pragmatics of language in kindergarten despite his lack of verbal skills. 


Application Exercise​ 7.1: Decoding Strategies

In the following​ video, a teacher conducts a phonological awareness skills test with Ana. The teacher refers to the various activities as games and asks Ana to respond to questions about word sounds in each activity.

Phonological Awareness Skills Test

The textbook describes six decoding strategies readers employ to decode words they​ don’t know automatically. Identify the type of decoding strategy emphasized in this video. Use specific examples from the video and explain how this decoding strategy helps students identify words. 


Application Exercise​ 7.2: Linguistic Approach

In this​ video, a teacher guides students to recognize similar sounds and spelling patterns in words that constitute a word family.

Word Families

Describe the phonics approach used by the teacher in this video. Identify this approach as explicit or implicit code instruction and support your answer. 

Application Exercise​ 7.3: Explicit and Implicit Code Instruction In this​ video, Mrs. Casey introduces new vocabulary words before students read the assigned story. In her work with the small​ group, Mrs. Casey uses several strategies to help students decode the words. 

Mrs. Casey, Small Group Reading 

 Describe the explicit and implicit code instruction Mrs. Casey uses as she guides students to decode their new vocabulary words. 


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