Government Government assignment


General Instructions (for all assignments)

  • The assignment needs to be 2 pages, not including the “References” page.
  • Use the attached student sample below. You can download it, and use the formatting.
    • Use Word (docx).
    • At the top of the first page, type the title of the assignment, M1: Assignment. Do not include any other information. (We use a modified APA style for formatting assignments; do not include a title page nor an abstract.) 
    • The document needs to be double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Remove the paragraph spacing.
    • The font needs to be Times New Roman, font size 12 point.
    • Include each question number, as a subtitle, followed by each answer.
  • If you are using information that is not your own, you must use an in-text citation within the sentence. This is true even if you are using information from the textbook(s). If you have the Little Seagull Handbook from FYS-1010, refer to APA Style on p. 201. If you do not, use the OWL website at OWL, APA Style.
  • The last page is titled, References. You need to include APA reference citations for all your in-text citations. Again, refer to the Little Seagull Handbook or OWL website.
  • Remember to run a full spelling and grammar check.
  • Refer to the grading rubric with associated points.
  • Submit your Word file to the correct assignment dropbox.

Instructions for M5: Assignment

The Sackett case is an example of the interplay of the different branches of government. Read the following:

Answer the following questions. 

(Remember that the assignments are not about personal opinions; instead, we are critically examining the viewpoints based on the context of the time – historically, political, social/cultural – not based on our modern views.)

Question 1: What are the facts of the Sackett’s case? Why did they sue?

Question 2: How is the federal legislative branch involved?

Question 3: How is the federal executive branch involved?

Question 4: How is the federal executive agency involved?

Question 5: What did the Supreme Court of the United States decide?

Question 6: How does this assignment relate to Module 6 (Chapters 14 and 15)? What did you learn? Be specific and refer to the textbook.


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