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You are going to create a Light object through a constructor with three properties that allows you to instantiate a light using the Light class.

The main method will then test your constructor and methods for you. Make sure your output all is in Pass state and you are good. If anything is failing, be sure to check your outputs for correct formatting; does it need a \n or space in the right place?

You will need to edit the Light object reference to reflect the Light+lastName that you will set your class and file name to.

Once you complete Light, it is time to program a Strand of Lights in the Strand project.  For part 2 of this project, you are to instantiate an array of Lights; therefore, the type used to form the array will be of type <Light> to store each of the properties for your Lights in the Strand array.  Strand also has a main pre-written for you that will test your Strand of Lights. You will only need to change the class object calls to Light+lastName and Strand+lastName in the main to match the changes you make to your Light and Strand naming.

You will find detailed instructions within each of the project files that you can download below.


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