Hidden Paycheck


ASSIGNMENT 1: Hidden Paycheck

You will review the policies and procedures related to compensation and benefits at the City of Plano. You will select a position of your choice and you will complete the Excel spreadsheet below (work individually) based on the information about that position. You must: 

1. Select a position in salary grades 22-26 (e.g., Human Resources Analyst).  

2. Select a non-exempt position (eligible for overtime). 

3. Select a salary level in the lower third minimum, lower third maximum, or midpoint to calculate the hourly rate of pay for that position (e.g., lower third minimum for Senior Buyer starts at $24.44). 

4. In addition to the calculations you will enter in each applicable cell, add the page number and the section of each policy applicable to the type of pay or benefit. Provide a hyperlink to the specific policy or procedure. 

5. Assume the person has been employed with the City of Plano for 1 year when you calculate different benefits (e.g., vacation). 

General Compensation Plan FY 2022-2023Links to an external site.

2023 Benefits SummaryLinks to an external site.

2023 Active Benefits GuideLinks to an external site.

General Policies & Procedures (e.g., Leave, Tuition Assistance)Links to an external site.

The Benefits website and the General Policies and Procedures website include many other brochures and summaries of benefits you will have to review in detail.

You will calculate a hidden paycheck by listing all of the different benefits (e.g., 401 match) and compensation components (e.g., certification pay, car allowance) that comprise a paycheck. The intent of this assignment is to help you research what is important to you (and if that is offered or not) and to understand the value of the overall compensation and benefits package. 

Download the Excel spreadsheet Download Excel spreadsheet. Complete the different columns as applicable. Write notes to explain why a column is left blank if it is not applicable (for example, the organization may not offer any commission). Upload the completed spreadsheet as your submission. Include the links to the policies and procedures as hyperlinks. 

Complete this assignment individually.

Below are links to a Zoom recording by Dr. lina  (who developed this assignment for UNT), the Excel spreadsheet she uses in the video, and an example of a Hidden Paycheck worksheet:

Zoom Recording (lengthy – follow along and pause it as needed)Links to an external site.

Excel spreadsheet used in the video. Download Excel spreadsheet used in the video. 

A1 Hidden Paycheck Worksheet Example.xlsx This is an example from another employer and not the City of Plano. It is intended to help you further but it is NOT for the same employer, so you cannot simply copy it. 


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