HIST103 DB10

Answer only ONE of the below questions:

  1. What happened in the presidential election of 1860?
  2. Who was Jefferson Davis?
  3. What happened at Fort Sumter (1861)?
  4. Describe the Battle of First Bull Run.
  5. What was the “Anaconda Plan”?
  6. Explain the importance of the Battle of Antietam.
  7. Why was the rifled musket such an important weapon in the Civil War?
  8. What happened at the Battle of Shiloh?
  9. Discuss the significance of the Siege of Vicksburg.
  10. Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
  11. Who was George McClellan?
  12. Who was Robert E. Lee?
  13. Who was William T. Sherman?
  14. Who was Stonewall Jackson?
  15. What happened at the Battle of Gettysburg?
  16. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
  17. Discuss the Fall of Atlanta (1864).
  18. Describe the Overland Campaign (1864-65).
  19. How did the Civil War finally end?
  20. Discuss the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  21. Describe the process of Reconstruction. 

Your post should be an informative post of at least 250 words (points will be deducted if it is shorter) that addresses the main points of any ONE of the above questions.CREATE 2 VERY FORMAL DISCUSSION RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS OTHER THAN THE INITIAL TOPIC CHOSEN of at least 50 words, SOMETHING VERY SIMPLE BUT INFORMATIVE AS WELL.


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