How Landmark Educational Laws Continue to Impact Education Today



This assignment will connect past historical events and laws to  current education systems, demonstrating how the past continues to  impact the present and providing reasons for our study of these past  events and laws. You will select at least one of the landmark  educational laws from your Module 3 reading and explains how the law  impacts American education today. Provide clear examples of how/where we  can see the impact. This may include current events, legislation, or  curriculum.

The Assignment

  1. Select at least one of the landmark educational laws from Module 3 (special education law).
    1. Begin your summary by giving a brief overview of the landmark educational law including the original intended purpose of the law.
    2. Include when the law was first enacted and when it was last updated.
  2. Relate how the selected law impacts American education today.
    1. Include who it impacts
    2. Include to what degree it impacts this population
  3. Support your claim by giving clear examples of how/where we can see  the impact. This may include current events, legislation, or curriculum.
  4. Clearly reference (with citations) current events, using APA formatting.


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