How My Observation Shapes My Philosophy of Education and Teaching



For this assignment, you will complete a journal  entry reflecting on how your experience and observation may have  confirmed, impacted, or shaped your personal philosophy of education and  teaching. You will revisit the philosophy you created earlier and  analyze if your recent observation has solidified the philosophy or  caused you to want to make changes.

The Assignment

Respond to the following questions

  1. Revisit  the personal philosophy of education that you wrote earlier in the  course. Write a one-paragraph summary of your philosophy.
  2. Discuss  any classroom observations that either confirmed or made you question  any part of your personal philosophy. Share the specifics of what you  observed that has caused you to have this reflection on your philosophy.
  3. Share  your thoughts on how you think further observation may shape your  philosophy. This shaping can be a confirmation or a readjustment.

Acceptable Length

Lengths will vary.

  • Question 1 requires a minimum of a one-paragraph response.
  • Question  2 requires at least three examples of classroom events that confirmed  or caused questions. The examples should be explained in detail. This  would likely take more than one paragraph.
  • Question 3 will also take a minimum of one paragraph to answer.


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