HSA6000 Deliverable 1 – Presentation on Role of Healthy Information Technology


Explain the role and impact of health information technology and its impact on healthcare systems and key stakeholders.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


Patient Centric Integrated Health System is in the process of updating its new hire orientation program. Feedback from employees revealed inadequate training on the role and impact of Health Information Technology in healthcare and their organization. In addition, orientation assessments demonstrated a lack of understanding about key stakeholders, their roles, and the significance of system integration with interoperability. As a member of the Health System’s HIT Innovation Steering Committee, you are to develop a presentation for use in future orientation sessions. Use information from the readings, lectures and your own research to support your presentation content. The first step is to develop the presentation for approval by the Steering Committee.


Compile a PowerPoint presentation using speaker notes and/or voice narration that includes:

  • Detailed explanation of roles and significance of HIT in healthcare and for organizations
  • Description of major components of an integrated HIT system
  • Discussion of relevant stakeholders and their role in HIT
  • Comparison of the rewards and challenges of integration and interoperability
  • Reference page of resources utilized


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