HUM 2051


Please choose one topic to write for your discussion response.

Topic 1

We’ve made three descents into the underworld this semester. Once in Week 2 with Odysseus, once in Week 4 with Aeneas, and now in Week 6 with Dante. Consider how Dante incorporates the works of his predecessors (Homer and Virgil) in his epic poem. How does each author build upon the work of his predecessor? Be sure to cite passages from the texts for support. Develop your answer thoroughly and use passages from the reading as support.

Topic 2

Our modern world has changed considerably in the 700 years since Dante wrote The Divine Comedy. Bearing this in mind, your goal is to invent a new level of hell. In doing so, explain your rationale for this new level and, similar to Dante, explain how individuals placed in this level will be punished. If you want, you may list a person/persons (real or fictional) who reside in this level. Develop your answer thoroughly and use passages from the reading as support.

Topic 3

This one is a bit of a spin on topic #2. Place any fictional character in a level of Dante’s Inferno. Explain the character’s sin(s) and your rationale in placing him/her/it there, being careful to make sure you adhere to Dante’s principals with your decision. Develop your answer thoroughly and use passages from the reading as support.


  • Your initial response should be at least 1,000 words in length
  • Use MLA format for any quotations or citations that you use to support your answer
  • Your initial response is due by Friday at 11:59 p.m. ET


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