Research and write at least 1250 words on the following topic.
“Is Surrogacy a new form of trafficking, violence against women and children, or a human rights violation?”
Your paper will be run through Turnitin for plagiarism check. Anything more than 10% of copying and pastings will be considered plagiarism and the assigned score for the assignment will be “0”. Such conduct will be reported to the University for further action.
Please follow the suggested guidelines.
- Your paper should be research based.
- It should have three parts:
- Introduction
- Main Ideas
- Conclusion
- Cite all the references.
- There should be at least five references and three of these references must be from academic journals.
- Use APA style for references.
- World limit 1250 is exclusive of cover page and bibliography.
- Check your grammar.
Grading Rubric
Short Paper Rubric Range Requirements
5 points High quality paper, addressing and exceeding all elements of the concept or prompt being discussed. Meets word limit requirement. Has no grammar mistakes. Has all 5 references. All references are cited properly. All materials are organized well – Introduction, Main ideas, and conclusion.
Above Average
4 points Quality response, High quality paper, addressing all elements of the concept or prompt being discussed. Meets word limit requirement. Has no grammar mistakes. All references are cited properly. Materials are organized.
3 points Addresses all elements of the concept or prompt being discussed. Meets word limit requirement. Has some grammar mistakes. Has all five references and are cited properly.
Below Average
2 points Low-quality response, addressing some of the elements of the concept or prompt being discussed. Does not meet word limit. Has some grammar errors. Overall quality of response is lacking with room for assumption in key elements.
1 Point Very weak response, neglecting to address some or many of the elements of the concept or prompt being discussed.